Statement of Purpose


We recognise that children reach developmental milestones at varying chronological ages.  All children will therefore be welcomed within Seashells Nursery regardless of their progress towards being fully toilet trained.




The following policy outlines procedures and considerations for nappy changing or when changing a child who is not fully toilet trained. We view toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of staff.




This guidance is also relevant when attending to a child who requires a change of clothing.


Throughout this guidance the term parents is used to include all main caregivers.


Hygienic nappy changing practice and effective decontamination of equipment and the environment is vital to reduce the risks of transmitting infection to children and staff.






Staff should ensure children feel safe and secure throughout the activity and that they are respected and valued as individuals. Children have a right to privacy and dignity when their needs are being met and staff should ensure this is maintained at all times.  The quality of the child's experience is paramount during this time.  Nappy changing should be a nurturing experience and can play an important part of in the process of building a positive relationship between the adult and child.




Staff should make eye contact with the child, communicate with the child and offer praise and encouragement throughout the experience.




Staff should ensure that nappies are changed regularly throughout the day and promptly after soiling.




The child's key person will be responsible to ensure routine nappy changing but all staff have a responsibility to respond when a child is soiled in order to ensure prompt attention. 




A record will be kept by the key person within the changing record folder of changing times and any observations such as nappy rash or loose movements etc.  This information should be shared with the parent when the child is collected.


Once the page is fully complete it will be stored within the child’s personal folder in the Nursery Office.




All staff involved in these procedures will have a full disclosure check as part of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.




The door between the main nursery room and the changing area will remain open at all times when a member of staff is changing a child.




Equipment and Procedures


Children will be changed in a warm, well ventilated, designated changing area which allows privacy for the child, has access to appropriate temperature running water and has surfaces which can be easily wiped down and disinfected. The changing area will be separate from the playroom and away from food preparation areas.  At Seashells Nursery the changing area is located in the toilet area, where we have a purposefully built changing area, containing a changing table.




The safety of children must be paramount and no child should be left unsupervised on a changing unit.




Staff involved in nappy changing should wash and dry their hands thoroughly before starting changing procedures and should wear disposable gloves and apron which should be changed between attending to each child.  Hand sanitisers or alcohol based hand rubs are not a substitute for hand washing. Children will be asked to also wash their hands following the nappy change, to encourage the use of good hygiene from an early age.  Gloves, aprons, wipes, nappy sacks, cleaning spray and paper towels are all stored on the changing unit.  Staff will keep the area replenished throughout the day.




Water based wipes or non-antibacterial soap from a hands-free dispenser, water and disposable cloths should be used to clean the child, always wiping from front to back.   Parents are requested to provide wipes and nappies for their child.




After changing, the child should be dressed and returned to the playroom.




Where children are participating in potty training, an area of the children's toilets will be screened off to allow privacy and ease of emptying potties.  Children should become familiar with the toileting area to develop confidence and familiarity with the environment.  Children should be given the opportunity to use the toilet independently or be given assistance as required. Staff should monitor their progress and assist where there is a need, particularly with younger children. All children will be encouraged to adopt good personal hygiene habits.




Storage and Disposal


Each child's supply of clean nappies and any creams etc. will be stored in their individual bags in the nursery foyer, clearly labelled with the child's name. These items will be kept solely for the individual child's use.




Used disposable nappies will be securely sealed in a nappy sack and placed in a lidded pedal bin designated for the purpose.  The bin will be lined with a waste bag and this will be removed by a waste contractor every Wednesday regularly.  A separate bin is provided for the disposal of paper towels.




If a child's clothes have been soiled or where reusable nappies are used any solid waste should be flushed down the toilet. Soiled items will be bagged and labelled before storing in the designated area away from clean items for collection by the parent.




The member of staff should ensure that the changing mat/unit and any touched surfaces are left clean and disinfected with non-antibacterial surface cleaner.




Where potties are used they should be cleaned thoroughly after use in a separate area from that used for hand washing.   They should be cleaned using a non-anti-bacterial cleaner and then stored upside down out of reach of children.  




Finally staff should remove their protective gloves and apron disposing of them appropriately and wash and dry hands thoroughly once more, replenishing supplies if required before leaving the changing area..




Monitoring of this Policy


It will be the responsibility of Miriam Lindsay, Nursery Manager to ensure that all staff, including new or temporary staff, are familiar with this policy and to monitor that it is being implemented.




This will be achieved by regularly inspecting the changing area for cleanliness and supplies and ascertaining whether the appropriate records are being maintained and parents kept informed. 




See also:


Infection Control Policy




Links to national policy:


Health and Social Care standards: My support, my life
1.0, 1.4, 1.19, 2.2, 4.11, 5.2, 5.4




Find out more:





Changing Record

