Infection Control












Community Centre


Albert Road




TD14 5DE


Tel. 018907 52082








20th March 2017

Miriam Lindsay

21st April 2020

Miriam Lindsay

 17th August 2020

Julie Windram 





Statement of Purpose




As an Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC) setting we recognise our 'duty of care' and requirement in law to provide a safe environment for the children in our care.


The Health and Social Care Standards, My support, My life (Scottish Government, 2017) reflect this duty.




Standard 5: I experience a high quality environment if the organisation (Seashells) provides the premises: 5.2, 5.4, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19, 5.22.




We will ensure that all staff are fully trained to enable the setting to meet these requirements and follow the national guidance Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings (Health Protection Scotland, September 2015), recommended as best practice by the Care Inspectorate.  For ease of reference we will use the term the guidance when referring to this document throughout the policy.




Appendix 1 of the guidance will be completed and displayed for staff and all service users affirming the use of the guidance as our local policy.




Throughout this policy the term parents is used to include all main caregivers.




Prevention of Spread of Infection




In order to minimise the spread of infection the ELC setting will follow standard infection control precautions (SCIPs) as recommended by the NHS (see section below).  


We will carry out regular risk assessments appropriate to our setting and current circumstances and maintain up-to-date records.   In carrying out these risk assessments we will take account of the environment, daily routines, regular activities and occasional activities such as outings (see appendix 2 of the guidance).  We will also take into consideration the risk to all service users especially those who are more vulnerable to infection e.g. pregnant women, children with conditions or on medication that makes them more susceptible to infection etc.  In order to facilitate this, parents will be requested on their child's admission to the setting to inform us of any relevant pre-existing conditions and also to inform us of illnesses as they occur.  




We will ensure that all parents have access to information regarding immunisation.  The child's current immunisation status will be checked on admission and parents reminded of the benefits of the programme.   Appendix 4 of the guidance provides a sample letter to parents regarding illness and immunisation and it will be adapted and used post admission to reinforce these important infection control messages.  




Information gathered from risk assessments will be shared with all staff and with children and parents as appropriate in order to improve infection prevention and control practice.


Staff and children with symptoms of infectious disease should not attend the ELCC setting.    Recommended exclusions periods can be found in appendix 3 of the guidance.   This information will be copied and displayed within the setting for all parents and staff.








Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs)




All staff will be fully trained in these procedures and training refreshed at least annually.   This training will include information on how infection spreads (page 4 of the guidance).


The chart on page 4 detailing the 'chain of infection' will be copied and displayed as appropriate for staff and parental information.




SICPs are described in full within the guidance (pages 5 to 8) and encompass the following areas:




  • Hand hygiene – appendix 7 provides a useful chart illustrating the correct method of hand washing.   This will be displayed appropriately within the setting and children will be trained in this procedure.
  • Respiratory and Cough Hygiene – children will be trained in this.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – this will be worn as directed in the guidance.
  • Cleaning of the Environment – is the routine cleaning of the environment on a daily basis (see appendix 9 of the guidance).   This also includes toilets, hand basins and potties (see appendix 8 of the guidance).
  • Equipment cleanliness – all toys and equipment will be well maintained and safe for use.   Appendix 10 will be followed in the scheduled cleaning of toys and equipment.
  • Dealing with spillages of blood and body fluids – staff should follow the procedures within the guidance (page 7).
  • Management of waste – this includes nappy waste and the disposal of sharps.
  • Linen/Laundry
  • Exposure injuries and bites – are injuries where the skin is broken by a needle or bite.  This section includes exposure to blood and bodily fluids into broken skin or into eyes, nose or mouth.   Appendix 11 outlines the correct procedures in these circumstances.





In addition to the above noted Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs) we have enhanced our cleaning schedules to ensure that surfaces are disinfected on a regular basis.  We continue to follow Scottish Government, Care Inspectorate and Public Health Scotland on guidance on dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and have implemented procedures to follow the government track and trace system, should it be required.  All staff have been briefed on the situation and fully understand the importance of following these procedures and guidance.


Please refer to our website and read our COVID-19 procedure for further information on this; COVID-19



Food and Kitchen Hygiene




We recognise that the responsibility for food safety lies with the individual setting and SICPs will be followed at all times in the preparation of food.




In line with good practice outlined in Setting the Table: Nutritional guidance and food standards for early years childcare providers in Scotland (NHS Health, Scotland, 2015) all of our staff hold basic food hygiene certificate’s that are up to date with the exception of new members of staff awaiting training.




Early Warning Signs of Infection




Staff will inform the nursery manager if a child has any of the following symptoms:  appears unwell (feels hot or looks flushed);  complains of feeling ill for example cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches and headaches;  diarrhoea and/or vomiting;  blood in their faeces;  unexplained rash.




The child should be kept apart from other children and their parent will be asked to collect them as soon as possible.  On collection the parent should be encouraged to consult their GP if the child's symptoms persist.   If more than one child within the setting displays these symptoms then advice will be sought from the local NHS Health Protection Team (HPT).


(See appendix 6 for contact information.)






Outbreaks of Infection in Childcare Settings




We will ensure that standard infection control procedures are in force at all times.  Should there be an outbreak of infection staff will be reminded of these precautions and appendix 5 of the guidance will be followed to ensure that all necessary procedures are being implemented.




Pages 11 and 12 of the guidance offer further support and direction in the case of an outbreak and all staff will make themselves familiar with this information.  




The local Health Protection Team will be informed when there is an outbreak of infection and further guidance and support sought from them.   As required by law we will also inform the Care Inspectorate of the outbreak.




The procedures to be followed in the case of an outbreak will be rehearsed and tested annually to ensure all staff know what to do.




Monitoring of this Policy




It will be the responsibility of Miriam Lindsay, Nursery Manager to ensure that new or temporary staff are familiar with this policy and to monitor that it is being implemented by all staff, parents and children.   This will be achieved through both formal and informal observation of staff practice, regular communications with parents and reminders to children of good hygiene habits.    Additionally all relevant infection control records and cleaning checklists will be monitored on a regular basis.




Links to national policy


The Health and Social Care Standards. My support, my life (Scottish Government, 2017)




Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings (Health Protection Scotland, May 2018)


(Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings – poster, October 2013)




Setting the Table: Nutritional guidance and food standards for early years childcare providers in Scotland (NHS Health, Scotland, 2015)




Find out more:


Childsmile National standards for nursery and school tooth brushing programme, updated 2015.


(Health Protection Scotland 's National Hand Hygiene Campaign  - “Handy” )