Risk Assessment






Community Centre

Albert Road


TD14 5DE

Tel. 018907 52082

Email: seashellsnursery@hotmail.co.uk





20th September 2017

Miriam Lindsay

27th April 2020

Julie Windram




This policy was adopted at a meeting of:


(Insert name of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Setting)          ………………………….………………



On (date)                                                                                 ……………………….…..……………



Signed ………………………….………..   Designation          ………………….…………………



Statement of Purpose


As part of managing the Health and Safety within Seashells Nursery, we must control the risks within.  To do this we need to think about what might cause harm to the children and/ or staff/ visitors and decide whether we are taking reasonable steps to prevent that harm, and put control measures in place to minimize the risk.  This is known as risk assessment and is something that we are required by law to carry out.


Seashells Nursery carries out a fill written Risk Assessment annually for the following areas within the nursery;

  • General Risk Assessment
  • Playroom
  • Entrance Hall
  • Toilets and Changing Area
  • Kitchen
  • Outside Area


These are regularly reviewed and cover potential risks to children, staff and visitors to the nursery.


When circumstances change within the nursery, i.e. a significant piece of equipment is introduced, we review our current risk assessment dependent on the nature of this change.


All senior staff are trained in the risk assessment process to ensure understanding and compliance.


All current risk assessments are stored in a filing cabinet in the nursery office and are available to view if required.


Risk Assessments for Outings


Staff must seek permission from management for all outings. Local venues which are visted regularly by staff and children will have written risk assessments drawn up and kept on file. These will be updated before each outing.


Occasional outings will have the route, venue and travel arrangements risk assessed by a member of staff in advance of the outing date.  Staff planning the outing, in conjunction with management, will consider the risk assessment to ensure that the benefits to children of participating in the outing outweigh any identified risks.  Strategies to minimise any risks will be be recorded on the risk assessment (see Appendix 2 Outings Risk Assessment).  One copy of the risk assessment will be taken on the outing by staff and a second will remain in the setting.   All adults accompanying the outing will be familiar with the risk assessment before setting out.


We acknowledge that daily life cannot be without risk, for example crossing roads, but that these hazards can be minimised by careful planning and alert adults.   Being aware of risk and learning how to cope with it is a valuable life skill for children and part of the learning experience of an outing.





Annual Safety checks are completed as follows;

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)                                          White Testing (UK) Ltd

Fire Protection Services (extinguishers, fire blankets)           On-Guard Fire Protection








Appendix 1                       Risk Assessment                                                                                                                


Potential hazard

Who is at risk?

Existing control measures

Risk rating

Preventative measures









































































OUTINGS RISK ASSESSMENT FORM                                                                                Appendix 2




   Proposed outing location: …………………..……...….. Date of proposed outing: …………….....                                                                                                  




These areas should be risk assessed.

Possible risk

Actions to minimise risk

Risk acceptable 


1. Child Safety










2. Child Behaviour









3. Security









4. Road Safety









5. Access to Animals


(See Farm Visits & Contact with Animals: Outings Policy)









6. Weather









7. Transport









8. Outing venue











Staff member completing risk assessment:     Title: ………………………………………………………                                                                                      




Authorised by:  ……………………………………   (Manager)       Date:  …………………………..