Confidentiality Policy








Community Centre


Albert Road




TD14 5DE


Tel. 018907 52082








21st April 2020

Miriam Lindsay










This policy was adopted at a meeting of:




(Insert name of Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC) Setting)        Seashells Nursery ELCC






On (date)                                                                                  30th January 2017






Signed M. Lindsay                                                                  Designation     Nursery Manager















Statement of Purpose




Seashells Nursery (ELCC) recognises that the safety and well being of children and families is of paramount importance. All information, verbal or written, will be treated confidentially and the privacy of those involved in the service will be respected. We require to hold information about the children and families and staff working within the setting, and systems will be in place regarding the sharing and storage of this information. Parents will be able to share information in confidence knowing it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children. However we cannot withhold confidential information regarding the welfare of the child and this information will be disclosed to specified personnel and agencies if required. Parents will be made aware of this on enrolling their child to the setting and also through the parents` handbook/welcome pack.     


Throughout the guidance the term parents will be used to include all main caregivers.




Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA)




The Data Protection Act controls how personal information is used and certain principles must be followed regarding information.




·         Information must be used fairly and lawfully


·         Information must be used for limited, specifically stated purposes


·         Information must be used in a way that is adequate and relevant


·         Information must be accurate


Information must be kept safe and secure and kept for no longer than absolutely necessary.


Settings may need to be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. There is an on-line self-assessment toolkit which will assist with this process on their website




There may be a legal reason for data to be given to an agency or the Care Inspectorate.




Records and Storage of Records




All records will be stored in accordance with our GDPR Policy.




To ensure the smooth running of the setting we keep a variety of records including health and safety records, financial records, employment records of staff, students and volunteers and development plans. We also keep records of the children including:




  • Personal Records
  • Development Records




Personal Records will record information including registration and consent forms, contact information, correspondence from other agencies regarding the child and or family, health issues and any other relevant, confidential information. These records will be stored securely in a lockable cabinet. Parents will have access only to their own child’s file.


Developmental Records (learning Journeys) may include samples of the children’s work, photographs, observations of the child’s progress in the setting and any other relevant information pertaining to the child’s progress. These records are usually kept within the playroom and can be accessed and contributed to by children, staff and parents. Parents will only have access to their own child’s records.




Staff will not discuss any of the children with any other persons including professionals without parental consent or prior knowledge.




Staff will not discuss any children who attend Seashells Nursery outside the nursery with anyone including parents.




All information regarding children and /or their families will be accurate and up to date and shared only with the appropriate personnel. Each child’s personal records concerning information relating to medical matters, child protection matters and additional support needs will be retained for a ten year period and safely disposed of by shredding, pulping or burning. In collecting, holding, and processing personal data, the setting complies with current Data Protection rules and guidance.


All child protection files files are kept within a secure file and only the CPO Miriam Lindsay, or Deputy CPO Julie Windram have access to these files.




Staff Records




All issues regarding the employment and management of staff are confidential to the people directly involved i.e. the staff member and those involved in making the decisions. Staff will have their own personal record containing relevant information and they will have access only to their own personal record. Records will be kept securely by the person specified by the employer as having access to the personnel files. In committee managed settings these names will need to be reviewed regularly, at least annually, and any changes recorded as appropriate. Records will be disposed of by burning, shredding or pulping and will be kept no longer than necessary. Records will be regularly reviewed and information no longer required will be deleted.




Any personal information regarding a member of staff will not be passed to another person without their prior knowledge and consent. Information regarding an individual’s performance will be confidential as will any disciplinary or grievance matters in which they are directly involved.


Any breach of the procedures will be investigated and will result in disciplinary action being taken if involving a staff member. In a committee managed service any breach of the procedures will result in a complaint being raised against them.




Staff must not talk publicly about the work performance of their colleagues, or any disciplinary/ grievance matters in which they are directly involved.














Social Media




Seashells Nursery does not wish to limit the rights of staff from engaging lawfully in social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.  However if this participation breaches their duty of care in relation to confidentiality as a Seashells Nursery employee this will be seen as gross misconduct and may result in disciplinary action.  This will include;


      Any child, past present or future


      Any child’s parent/ carer


      Any other staff member


      Any student or other visitors to the nursery


      Seashells Nursery in any derogatory way




The mention does not necessarily need to include names etc, but could include information which could reasonably identify any of the above.




Monitoring of this Policy




It will be the responsibility of Miriam Lindsay, Nursery Manager to ensure that all staff, including new or temporary staff and students, are familiar with this policy and to monitor that it is being implemented. Parents will be encouraged to read this policy.




The policy will be reviewed annually to ensure all records are relevant and up to date.






Links to national policy:


National Care Standards 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14




For information regarding Data Protection contact:


Information Commissioner’s Office-Scotland


45 Melville Street


Edinburgh EH3 7HL




Telephone 0131 244 9001




Data Protection Act (1998)>data-protection