Administration of Medication Policy





Community Centre

Albert Road


TD14 5DE

Tel. 018907 52082





9th December 2019

Miriam Lindsay






This policy was adopted at a meeting of:


(Insert name of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Setting)          ………………………….………………



On (date)                                                                                 ……………………….…..……………



Signed ………………………….………..   Designation          ………………….…………………



Statement of Purpose

Children attend early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings with a wide range of medicinal requirements related to their individual needs. These needs can be short term (finishing a course of medication) and or long term (medication to keep them well). Staff will ensure procedures are followed in order to meet these needs. Medication will only be administered in order to maintain the child’s health and wellbeing and or when recovering from an illness. Most children with medical needs can participate in everyday day experiences within the setting. Throughout this guidance the term parents is used to include all main caregivers.



Early Years Scotland’s (EYS) insurance provider, Royal Sun Alliance. RSA provides cover under the Public Liability section of the Group Insurance Policy where an ELC setting is found to be legally liable. The Public Liability section of the insurance cover has been extended to include administration of medication, provided that the ELC setting service has a clear policy and guidelines on the use, storage and administration of medication and staff are suitably trained to carry these out. The service must ensure that written consent is given by parents and carers for the use or administration of medication provided by them. Seashells Nursery (ELC) is fully compliant with the Health and Social Care Standards, 1.15, 1.23, 3.14, 4.15, and the following procedures are adhered to. 


RSA require settings that are administering lifesaving or emergency invasive medication for example breathing apparatus, colostomy bags, feeding tubes, epipen or adrenaline injections for anaphylactic shock caused by a reaction to nut products or other allergic reactions, or rectal diazepam for epilepsy, to request an extension to your insurance cover by completing parents an EYS parent/guardian consent form and training is provided for  staff by a health professional prior to the child being left at the setting without their parent or guardian. These consent forms are available by emailing or phoning 0141 221 4148.


RSA treat inhalers for asthma and nebuliser as oral medication. The settings own consent form should be completed and signed by the parent and should be retained in the child’s file. Seashells Nursery (ELC)  will ensure that staff training by a health professional such as the child’s GP/District Nurse/Child Nurse Specialist /Community Paediatric Nurse or approved first aid training agency is undertaken in the use of inhalers, prior to the child being left at the setting without their parent/guardian.

Children taking prescribed medication must be well enough to attend the Seashells Nursery (ELC) session.


Procedures for Administration of Medication

Seashells Nursery (ELC) setting will only administer prescribed medication when it is essential to do so. Parents will provide the setting with written consent for their child to be given medication for a minor ailment or allergy. If children attend the setting on a part time basis parents should be encouraged to administer the medication at home. If parents are present during the session they will also administer the medication for their own child. Parents will administer the first dose of a course of medication and any adverse reactions to the medication will be noted. Seashells Nursery (ELC) staff will only administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. The medication will be in the original container or box along with the information leaflet and will be clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage instructions.


  • Children's medicines will be stored in their original containers in a lockable storage unit; they will be clearly labelled and inaccessible to the children.
  • Medicine spoons and oral syringes must be supplied by the parent if required.
  • Medications may only be used for the child whose name appears on the medicine.  This includes emergency adrenaline injections (Epipen)
  • Parents must give prior written permission for the administration of medication. The staff receiving the medication must ask the parent to sign a consent form stating the following information:


o    full name of child and date of birth

o    name of medication and strength

o    if child has had medication prior to nursery  Y/N.  If yes, what time and dosage amount

o    dosage to be given in the nursery

o    signature, printed name of parent and date.

o    verification by parent at the end of the session.


No medication may be given without these details being provided.


Management of medication in day care of children and childminding services:


If a child is given too much medication, or medication is given to the wrong child, staff will inform the parent immediately. Further advice / instructions should be sought with the Doctor. If a child on medication has to be taken to hospital, the child’s medication is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled with the child’s name and name of the medication. Inside the box is a copy of the consent form signed by the parent. This procedure complies with the safeguarding of information sharing, including General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) procedures.


If the child spits out or vomits the medicine, no further dose should be given, and the parent should be informed.


Reducing risk

Systems in place which are checked at every point to reduce risk in administering medication:


  • The consent forms are checked and complete with the parent and colleague at the initial stage.
  • When the prescribed medication is being administered, it is rechecked with a colleague, this includes the dispensed and expiry dates.
  • Reviews ensure that the medication is for a current condition (something prescribed for a condition six months ago might not be appropriate now).
  • If a medicine, not dispensed recently, is still appropriate for use (for example liquid antibiotics usually only have a seven to ten day shelf life and eye drops should be discarded 28 days after opening and returned to the parent).
  • Good practice is to review consent every 3 months and at the start of term.
  • Any special instruction in relation to storage or administration of medication will be complete and adhered to.


Paracetamol and daycare of children

The information in the Care Inspectorate’s “Management of medication in daycare of children and childminding services” is in line with existing government advice and best practice guidance. It offers a framework for the routine management of medication in such services.


It allows parents to pro-actively choose if they would like to leave a small amount of medication in the service for an agreed time and for use by their child under agreed conditions. Some will choose to exercise this option, others will not depending on individual circumstances.


There may be a few occasions where a service considers a child to be unwell, and contacts NHS 24 for advice. The care inspectorate has been advised that on rare occasion NHS 24 have advised individual services to administer an over the counter (OTC) medicine such as paracetamol immediately.

The care inspectorate has clarified the temporal aspect of this advice with NHS 24, who advised administration as soon as is reasonably possible is the correct interpretation.


Services will not (and should not) be contacting NHS 24 on a routine basis for advice on every presentation of an ailment. Where a service has contacted NHS 24 and advice to administer a medicine is given; the care inspectorate will and should view this as a non routine duty of care situation. As such a care service’s response in this situation should not be viewed against the framework for the routine management of medication in such services (as found in the best practice guidance). The response of each care service to the non-routine situations will be dependent on the context.


Storage of medicines

All medication is stored safely in a lockable storage unit below 25° or in a fridge between 2°-8° in an area where children cannot access alone. These temperatures will be recorded daily. Medication for individual children will be stored in separate containers with a lid and labelled clearly with the child’s name and date of birth.

Staff are responsible for ensuring medicine is handed back at the end of the day to the parent.  Medication will also be returned to the parent once the course of medication has been completed.

For some conditions, medication may be kept in the nursery. Staff must check that any medication held to administer on an as and when required basis or on a regular basis, is in date. Any out-of-date medication must be returned to the parent.  Children who have long term medical conditions and who may require ongoing medication must have a complete care plan. A record will be kept of any medication used by the children that is retained within the setting (Appendix 3)


Lifesaving medication needs to be accessible to those trained to administer it.




Care plan

A care plan for the child is drawn up with the parent outlining the key person’s role, and what information must be shared with other staff who care for the child. The child’s care plan should include the measures to be taken in an emergency. The child’s care plan is reviewed every six months or more if necessary. This includes reviewing the medication, e.g. changes to the medication or the dosage, any side effects noted etc. Parents receive a copy of the child’s care plan and each contributor, including the parent, signs the consent for compliance with Data Protection, including GDPR and confidentiality of information. 


When a parent is present they will be responsible for the storage of their child’s medication. Otherwise the key staff member for that child will take responsibility.


Managing medicines on trips and outings

Medication for a child is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled with the child’s name and name of the medication.  Inside the box, with the medication, is a copy of the consent form/medication form with the details as given above, which the parent signs on return to the setting. On no account may medicine be decanted into other containers or packets or envelopes. The original pharmacy labelled medication should be within the box. 


Roles and Responsibilities

Parental Role It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the child is well enough to attend the setting and the parent will inform Seashells Nursery (ELC) staff of any medication that is currently being administered. Parents will also inform the setting if the child has received the medication at home, when it was administered and how much was given to ensure the correct dosage instructions are being followed. Parents will be required to complete a Parental Medication Permission Form (Appendix 1) giving permission for staff to administer the medication. This form will be updated regularly and a new form will be completed for each new medication required by the child. Parents will be asked to sign and acknowledge the medication given to their child each day. Parents will inform the setting if the child stops taking medication.


Staff Role Before administering medication staff will need to have the relevant information pertaining to the child. Staff will ensure that they have written permission from the parent for the setting to administer the medication (Appendix 1). Each time a staff member administers medication to a child an Administration of Medication form (Appendix 2) will be completed and signed. A second member of staff will witness the administering of the medication and then countersign the form once the medication has been given. Staff will need to complete the Administration of Medication Form each time medication is given noting the date, time and dosage etc. of medication given (Appendix 2).  Risk-assess the number of trained personnel who must be present to deal with medicinal needs.  Ensure all spoons, syringes, spacers for inhalers etc. are labelled, stored with the child’s medication, and cleaned appropriately after use. Infection control issues in terms of applying creams, eye drops etc. need to be considered. Staff will ensure children’s individual care and support is consistent and stable by working together with families in a way that is well coordinated for consistency and continuity of their child’s care needs.


Miriam Lindsay, Nursery Manager will ensure that all Seashells Nursery (ELC) staff and volunteers know who is responsible for the medication of children with particular needs.


Staff will ensure the parent signs the form daily to acknowledge the medication given to the child. Parental consent to administer medication should be time limited depending on the condition.


Long Term Medication

Children requiring medication for long term medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, asthma need to have all relevant information recorded in their care plan. This will be done by the key worker in consultation with the parent.


Staff Training

Staff will be required to have training from a qualified health professional if a condition requires specialist knowledge in order to administer the medication. Staff should also be trained to recognise the symptoms if medication has to be given on a ‘when required basis’.  This information will be recorded in the administration of medication form or care support plan as appropriate. Training should be reviewed and refreshed on a three yearly cycle to ensure staff have the most up to date knowledge.



Relevant medical details for all children participating in an outing will be taken by accompanying staff. Original copies will be left within the setting. 

Medication will be administered to the child before leaving home or the setting where possible. For children who may require medication during the trip this should be administered by appropriate staff.   


Treatment of Minor Ailments/Fevers

If a child becomes ill during a session when the parent is not present the key worker will call the parent or the emergency contact. If no contact can be made the key worker may call NHS 24 if deemed necessary and follow advice given.


Monitoring of this Policy

It will be the responsibility of the manager to ensure that new or temporary staff are familiar with this policy and to monitor that it is being implemented by all staff and parents. This will be achieved through observation of staff practice and regular communication with parents. All relevant medication forms will be checked and updated on a regular basis. Parents will be made aware of this policy through the enrolment procedures and the parents’ handbook. This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is relevant and up to date.


Disseminating and Implementing this Policy

Seashells Nursery (ELC) staff will be required to read this policy on their induction and to comply with the contents therein.  The policy will be kept in the policy folder and will be available for staff to refer to at all times.

The implementation of the policy will be monitored on a day to day basis.  

Any adverse incidents will be recorded and reviewed to ensure the policy is fit for purpose.


Appendix 1 – Parental Permission Form

Appendix 2 – Administration of Medication: Daily Dosage of an Individual Child

Appendix 3 – Monthly Review of Administration of Medicines

Appendix 4 – Sun Awareness and Protection


See also:

Health and Safety Policy

Infection Control Policy

GDPR – Privacy Policy


Links to national policy:

Health and Social care standards: My Support, My Life

Health and Social Care Standards, 1.15, 1.19, 1.23, 1.24, 2.23, 3.4, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 4.11, 4.15


Management of medication in daycare of children and childminding services


Find out more:

Community pharmacists and NHS 24


Fever Management

Parental Permission Form                                                         Appendix 1


Administration of Medicines



Dear Parent/Carer


In order to enable staff to carry out safe practices in relation to the administration of medication please ensure the setting has the following information. All information should be recorded on this form.


  • Medication required to be taken by your child whilst in the setting.
  • Completed parental permission form.
  • For ongoing medication a separate supply of medicine, appropriately labelled should be obtained from the pharmacist.
  • Medicine should be clearly labelled with child’s name, date of birth, name of medicine, dosage, time and frequency and expiry date.
  • If your child suffers from asthma it is essential that the setting has been informed of any restrictions which need to be applied to his/her activities.
  • If your child suffers from epileptic attacks, diabetes or anaphylactic shock it is imperative the setting is aware of the appropriate emergency treatment that should be given.
  • If the child spits out the medicine, no further dosage will be given and you will be informed of this.


Thank you for your co-operation with this matter.


Yours sincerely




Personal Details




Name of Child


Date of Birth




General Medical Practitioner Information


Name of Doctor






Phone Number


A parental permission form must be completed for each type of medication being taken by the child


Parental Permission


I confirm that my child ……………………..……requires the following medicine(s)


……………………………………..…and that I give permission that it /they can be administered by a non-medically qualified staff member of Seashells Nursery (ELC).


I will also inform the setting immediately of any changes in medication and will provide an appropriately labelled supply.


Signature ……………………………………………   Date ………………..….…..….


Print Name …………………………………………………………………………….…


Home Address ………………………………………………………………..…….......


……………………………………………………   Telephone No. …………………...


Emergency Contact Person (if different from above) ……………………..………


Relationship ………………………………………………………………………..…...


Telephone No. ………………………………………………………………….…..…..


Child’s Name …………………………………………………………………….…..….


Details of Medication


type of illness


name of medication (as stated on label)


type of medication

eg  tablets, syrup


dosage instructions

eg how often, when and any other relevant information







Parent’s signature confirming medication and dosage


Signed:  ……………………………………………………………..…………………


Print Name: ……………………………………………………………………………


Date: …………………………………

Administration of Medication: Daily Dosage of an Individual Child                                           Appendix 2

                                 (First dose must always be given by Parent)


Child`s Name    …………………………………………………..




Type and dosage of medicine

Time last given by parent/carer

Dosage accepted? Any further action

Signature of member of staff administering drug

Please also print name

Signature of witnessing member of staff

Please also print name

Parent`s signature

Please also print name

































































Monthly Review of Administration of Medicines                                                                     Appendix 3


Child`s Name

Date medication began

Time of last dose

Reason for medicine being administered

Review of medication

Sign and Date:

Please also print name

Medication returned to parent or n/a



















































Sun Awareness and Protection                                              Appendix 4




Statement of Purpose


Early Learning and Childcare settings need to be aware of the importance of protecting children from the sun. Both children and staff should apply sunscreen, be encouraged to wear protective clothing, drink water and stay in the shade as far as possible. Staff should be good role models for the children in relation to sun safety.




Sun Screen


Sun Screen should be applied at least 30mins before the children go outside. For children who attend the setting on a part time basis the setting should encourage parents to apply the cream at home. If the cream has to be applied by the setting a consent form should be signed by the parent allowing the setting to do so. Parents should provide sun screen for the setting to use.  Staff should record when the cream was applied to ensure correct procedures in relation to the application of the sun screen are being followed.




The most important information on sun screen is the SPF (which shows how strong the protection against UVB is), and star rating (which ranks the level of UVA protection). Look for at least SPF 15 but higher factors are preferable and 4 or more stars.




You won’t get the level of the protection on the bottle unless you put enough sunscreen on. An adult needs about two teaspoonfuls to cover their face and upper arms. It’s also important to reapply sunscreen regularly – it rubs, sweats and washes off easily, plus you may well have missed bits.




Appropriate Clothing


Children should be encouraged to wear clothing that provides good protection from the sun, for example, sun hats, long sleeved tops or sun glasses. Information in relation to sun awareness and protection will be made available to parents through newsletters and/or the noticeboard.




Outdoor Activities


Outdoor activities will be held in the shade and in screened areas as far as possible. The setting will try to avoid being outdoors in the middle of the day and children will be encouraged to drink water regularly. Children who do not wish to go outside should be allowed to stay indoors. Children wishing to return indoors to the playroom from outside should be able to do so.