Seashells ELCC
AGM 01.10.2014
Held in the playroom of Seashells ELCC, in the Eyemouth Community Centre, Albert Road, Eyemouth TD14 5DE
Present; Sarah Maltman (Vice Chairperson), Annemie Janik (Manager), Lynsey Finnie (Practitioner), Judith Dempster (Practitioner), Julie Windram (Administrator).
Committee Members: Gillian Kerr, Vicky Pringle, Kerrie Chisolm, Donna McGovern, Douglas Greenshields, Clare Lough, Debbie Wood, Kerri Ross. (Parents/ Carers of all children who attend Seashells are automatically Committee Members)
Apologies: Stephanie Patterson (Chairperson), Megan McDonald
The meeting was started with Annemie thanking everyone for attending, she understands that everyone has busy lives and really appreciates that so many of the committee members could attend. Due to a holiday the chairperson was not available at the AGM, Annemie explained that a previous meeting had been held between herself and Stephanie and all issues that would be discussed today were discussed between them. No issues arose from that meeting. Stephanie requested that Annemie chair the meeting on her behalf.
Annemie explained that all staff were booked to attend a Pediatric First Aid course on the 1st November.
It was discussed that due to Lucy McKirdy moving up to school that we will now need to remove Dawn McKirdy as Signatory on the bank account, and as a trustee and appoint a new signatory on the bank account. Gillian Kerr proposed that Sarah Maltman take on this role as she is currently Vice-Chairperson, Vicky Pringle agreed to the proposal – Motion carried – Julie to arrange forms with RBS to arrange to remove D. McKirdy and add S. Maltman as signatory.
Annemie explained that there are now monthly staff meetings held, during these meetings the staff discuss ideas for future topics and plan the work for the children around these topics.
Topics for Non-Funded children – it was explained that the afternoon children join in some activities from the topic that the morning children are learning.
A lot of work has gone into researching and designing a new format for the SMILE’s specifically for Seashells.
One of the new books were passed around, everyone agreed that they were ‘much better ‘ and ‘really good’ - more professional looking, better laid out and organised compared to the previous PLP’s.
The way in which transition is carried out is different this year, due to the close working relationship between Seashells ELCC and the School ELCC. Seashells are now working closely with the School ELCC to ensure that children from both nurseries receive the same transition.
October 2014 – first time the children from Seashells who will start P1 next year will meet with the children from other nurseries at a Story Telling session in the School.
ALL nurseries in Eyemouth will now study the same topic during the last term of the school year and the school will continue with the same topic in P1. This has been achieved due to the close working relationship between Seashells and the School ELCC.
ELCC New Starts
Most children have settled in nicely, some have taken longer than others which is completely normal, all children are different and react differently to new situations.
It is sometimes hard for the 2 year olds to settle, they don’t know the staff or the ELCC and it is strange for them until they get into the routine.
Seashells ELCC have had a very positive visit from Ed Taylor from Scottish Borders Council. This was the first visit since the change in management and we received positive feedback regarding the changes that have taken place. The report was passed around.
The improvements in the ELCC over the last few months have meant that we are now on a par with other ELCCs in the area, we offer the same standards - routine, structure, topics, transition as other ELCCs and hope that in the coming years our number of funded children reflect all the hard work that has been put in by the staff.
Thanks were given by Julie for the prompt payment of the fees, it was explained how Seashells relies heavily on the fees being paid regularly to assist with the running costs of the nursery, especially this year as we have fewer funded children in the mornings. Julie asked for feedback regarding the new system for collecting the fees – fees are calculated for that week on a Friday- it was felt that the new way was more practical.
The Big Lottery Fund grant received into the ELCC was discussed, the spend so far has been on office equipment – laptop, printer / copier / scanner, outdoor toys and freshening up the playroom.
There are still funds remaining for Sensory Equipment, Games & Puzzles, Outdoor Equipment, Cameras & Electrical Equipment.
If parents / carers have any ideas of things that the children would like in regards to these areas please pass them to a member of staff for consideration.
Seashells ELCC is a non-profit making organization, what money comes into the account generally goes back out again by the end of the financial year. We rely heavily on fundraising to assist with the running costs of the ELCC.
Fundraising ideas were discussed, a sponsored Halloween Fancy Dress was decided, to be held during the afternoon session on Thursday 30th October, the morning and afternoon sessions on Friday 31st October to enable all children to take part. The ELCC will arrange Halloween themed games & snacks for these sessions.
Other fundraisers discussed: Tea towels for Christmas, Christmas Raffle, Teddy Raffle, and 1 other fundraiser to be held after Christmas.
Annemie explained that she was looking into applying for funding to cover the outside play area, and for a new climbing frame and bikes. Information will be passed to parents in due course,
Annemie wished to inform parents of the ‘open door’ policy in the nursery now, parents / carers are welcome any time to come into the nursery for a look around and to see what we do, she asks that if anyone is interested in doing this that they please let a member of staff aware, so the visit can be planned – it may be that it is a PE day or a High School Allotment day so another day would be beneficial.
As a thank you to the parents for attending the AGM the ELCC will give each child a free lunch session.
Lunch sessions are from 12:10-13:00, please let a member of staff know when you would like to use your free lunch space and send your child with a packed lunch on the day.
Stephanie Patterson:…………………………………………… Date:……………….
Sarah Maltman:…………………………………………………. Date:………………
(Vice Chairperson)