Fees are calculated on Fridays by our administrator and an invoice will be attached to your child's box at the nursery door. If your child does not attend on a Friday, please put the amount required in a sealed envelope and give it to one of the staff who will forward it for processing.
Funded children snack and craft: £2.00 per week
Non-funded children (PM session): £7.00 per session
Daycare – All children: £3.50 per hour
Lunchtime (12.00 – 12.30): £1.50
Fees will be charged regardless of your child's attendance, you will be charged for the sessions requested on your child's application form as the required staff will already be in place for the session wether the child is here or not.
All fees must be settled at the end of each week.
We appreciate your help with this. Seashells ELCC relies on prompt payment to ensure the smooth and effective service your child will receive.
If you have any queries please contact a member of staff.
Funded by Scottish Borders Council the term after their third birthday.
Three years old between 1st March and 31stAugust, funded place from the start of August
Three years from 1st September to 31st December, funded place from the start of January
Three years from 1st January to 28th February, funded place from the start of April
Seashells is a non-profit making organization and relies on prompt payment to ensure the smooth and effective service your child will receive.